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Portland, OR

old fashioned design. draw, paint, sculpt, paint some more, repeat, and smile


Linework NW

bwana spoons

What should I do with my saturday and or sunday this weekend in Portland? Get yer buns to Linework N This is a curated festival of illustrators and comickers from lands near and far. I'll be moderating a panel with this young lady, Jay Howell. Sitting in on another panel about peoples who love multiple surfaces and platforms to play on, and hanging out both days with a load of goods for sale at my table 30B. Today John Black will be hanging with me and his own pile of goodies, and we will be right next to one of my favorite peoples Martin Ontivero who is only at Linework on Saturday.
But there won't be food to sustain me while I am filling my bags with rad art and comics!? Sizzle Pie, beerthirty, 50 licks ice cream, and Ken Jong Grill's cart (sorry if I mixed that up.) will all be there too.
Get ready to have your eyeballs burned this weekend.


bwana spoons

Finally got a little movement here on a few things that have already gone up here and on gravy toys. The New nature Calls print series is done. And the new Gravy Toys bandana and totes are in tomorrow as well.

Magic bonus points. I set 7 Signed and numbered uncut sheets aside for you.