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Portland, OR

old fashioned design. draw, paint, sculpt, paint some more, repeat, and smile


Hobo Gazeebo at the Stay Wild Expo

bwana spoons

Thee Hobo Gazeebo at Stay Wild Expo.

This was a blast to build. Too big for my studio, I worked on this giant driftwood mushroom in my backyard. I made it in 6 slices, and then assembled and added loads more driftwood on site at the World Forestry Center. If anybody has some good shots of it in it’s natural habitat send me a couple photos. Mine don’t really do it justice.

Thee long awaited Steven Tee

bwana spoons

Finally had a chance to get these boogers done. Steven the Bat loves loves loves figs, and so do I.

These will be available at the Good Gravy Brick and Mortar space in portland, and on I've been working on the sculpt for a new Steven toy again, and I have my daughter submitting art for a new Steven card. Fun.

SDCC Gunnzo action

bwana spoons

SDCC 2016

Like lightning, you know it’s coming but sheesh it still sneeks up and zaps the brain. Feels like it was a month ago we were just wrapping up a stellar 2015 Gunnzo affair.

Now it’s a week and a half (really a week to finish work) on the next megashazingle. 

Saturday eve, July 23rd Paul Kaiju and I will be offering up a smores board of vinyl delights at the one and only Gunnzo in Oldtown San Diego. 

I’ll be bringing a Killer run, new cyborg stardust blinndbags, mini blindboxes, short runs or Terry, Morel Black, UGLY, and Garak, and a stack of tasty customs. New tee? Maybe.

Hope to see you guys there.

And inside the actual real SDCC I’ll have a little something for sale at the DKE Disburst booth.

I may also do some sorta where’s Waldo. Find Bwana in San Diego backpack sale or prize of lotto or something too. Just haven’t nailed that one just yet.

Sunny San Diego. Ready or not. Here I come.