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Portland, OR

old fashioned design. draw, paint, sculpt, paint some more, repeat, and smile


Thank you NY! free goodies and raffle today too!

bwana spoons

Thank you so much East Coast. I really appreciate all the love and support. This year was better than the last at NYCC, and hopefully I will be back again with lulubell if I can swing it. I had a great time. Ramen, donuts, stack of Kirby comics, lots of ksateboarding around a dented potholed full mooned city.

Today only, free patch with every order, and if i get more tha n15 orders today I'm going to raffle off a custom toy. Somebody could go home with the gold. New tees are up, & a few new toys. A little note, if your sleeping on those Nature calls prints. The new series is almost sold out. All six are now in the low stock category.